During my brother Razi’s recent visit, we of course spent time reminiscing. We listened to old music and recounted old tales of childhood. I watched in awe as he sat down with my son Alex. Both of them share a love of the guitar. Razi sat in the living room and taught Alex some advanced guitar chords. They strummed and laughed throughout the afternoon. My face smiled and my heart followed. All was right in the world.
Later that day Razi and I sat next to each other with our laptops open. We were sharing memories and making sure our photo albums were up to date. Every once in a while he would run across a picture I didn’t have or vice versa. We would then send the photos back and forth electronically. These were digital echoes in time to match the musical echoes across a generation.
The guitar chords still reverberated as the even sun filtered through the trees. The gloaming of the evening soon followed. In the darkness, I found myself enveloped by the echoes. Closing my eyes, I felt centered and grounded. Like a pebble dropped in a pond, the ripples spread out from me.