One fascinating episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation explored the limitations of human communication between two cultures wholly alien to each other.
In many ways interactions between European crusader civilization and Middle Eastern culture faced similar difficulties. Usama ibn Munqidh’s (1095-1187) autobiography Kitāb al-iÝtibār (The Book of Learning by Example) recorded his observations on crusader or “Frankish” society, has often been criticized by Western authors.
The book was written in the 1180s when Usama was about 80 years old. The rambling nature of his writing has led some to suppose that Usama was somewhat senile. Many times the book seems to be a series of anecdotes that could be considered jokes or partial fabrications. The anecdotes are not arranged chronologically but often jump forward or backward in time.
But the book is not a memoir in the western understanding of the word. It is, rather, a collection of stories taken from Usama’s own life, in a unique style of Arabic literature in which anecdotes are used to illustrate the ideal behavior of proper Muslims. This literary style is known as adab, and does not adhere to a consistent chronology.
Rather the stories are organized around common themes, regardless of the time periods in which the stories actually took place. Usama’s work cannot be fully appreciated if only read from within the limitations of western literary constructs. For more information about the Saydjari Family interactions with crusaders see the website link on the Crusades.
DATHON: Uzani, his army at Lashmir.
PICARD: At Lashmir? Was it like this at Lashmir? A similar situation to the one we’re facing here?
DATHON: Uzani, his army with fists open.
PICARD: A strategy? With fists open?
DATHON: His army, with fists closed.
PICARD: With fists closed. An army, with fists open, to lure the enemy. …with fists closed, to attack? That’s how you communicate, isn’t it? By citing example, by metaphor! (demonstrates that he understands) Uzani’s army, with fists open.
DATHON: Sokath! His eyes uncovered!