1. Abdul Wahab abdul Ghane Sejary
2. Khaled Nasaan Sejary
3. Mohamed Aabdul Rahman Saydjari
4. Malek Jameel Sejary
5. Mohamed Bacheer Sejary
6. Ahmed Bacheer Sejary
7. Faisal Jameel Sejary
8. Mohamed Nasaan Sejary
9. Abdul Natheer Sejary
My brother Sami recently uncovered an old photograph of our father Mohammed along with the patriarchs of the Saydjari (Sejary) clan. The picture is from a 1971 trip our father took back to Syria and was taken at a family home in Jisr al-Shughur.
Our Facebook Saydjari family group now counts over 200 members and when I posted the picture asking for help in identifying others in the photo, the response was overwhelming and heartwarming. There was a great deal of back and forth and many contributors to the process. However, it was easy to sense the emotions the photo evoked. Family pride and wistfulness for a bygone era.
In the end, I am continuously surprised by the directions this project has taken us. It continues to grow and evolve, taking on a life of its own. So here is to life, past present, and future.