Long before it was fashionable to smash guitars on stage, our grandfather, Abdul Rahman Saydjari, was smashing them in his son’s, Mohammed Soubhi Saydjari’s, bedroom. Apparently, he felt music was frivolous and a corrupting influence. That did not stop our father from loving music throughout his life. I am sure he would have played had he not been so severely punished in early childhood. Later in life, when his wife, Badrieh, gave him a guitar in his fifties, he rejected the gift bitterly, lamenting that it was too late for him to learn. Sad.
Our Dad insisted we (his three sons) all learn to play an instrument because it was an important part of being a well-rounded person. For this we all thank him. Each of us loves music in a profound way. Ironically, when his son, Razi Saydjari, wanted to play electric guitar and play rock music, our dad punished him (he was grounded for a week) for it. Apparently, only certain types of music were OK. Sometimes it is hard to break patterns.
Razi and I (Sami) have been playing musical instruments, on and off, since we were kids. Back in 2010, we formed a virtual band called Singularity Horizon to create and publish music that we felt compelled to compose. We have been composing music of a wide variety ever since. We love it. We are posting on SingularityHorizon.BandCamp.com. Our most recent collaboration was Razi’s Opus 1–a beautiful instrumental in the style of classical music. We have also posted three earlier songs called Virtual Reality (Razi), Inside of Me (Sami), and Ever is Here (Sami). We have two more new songs in production and another dozen songs already written that need to be recorded, mixed, and mastered. Be on the lookout. If you sign up on bandcamp as a “fan” (free), you will get automatic notifications of new songs.
For friends and family unable to access bandcamp, we will work on also posting them on youtube. Opus 1 is already there.