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Rami Saydjari

Nothing to See Here

Here is an excerpt from an essay I wrote about how my brother Sami and I secretly lived alone while attending high school.

Oral Tradition

My younger brother Sami caught the bug first and took it upon himself to begin documenting the stories our parents had told us when we were kids.

Ruins in Time.

Sir Walter Scott once said: A ruin should always be protected but never repaired – thus may we witness fully the lingering legacies of the past.

Baba Ghanoush – Spoiled Dad

Baba ghanoush. In Arabic, “baba” means father, and “ghanoush” means spoiled. This “spoiled dad” roasted eggplant dip is the creamier version of the better-known hummus

No, I mean where are you really from?

I suppose I used to resent that all too common a question. When asked about my origin I used to say truthfully that I was born in a small town in Northwestern Wisconsin called Barron.