Today my elder brother Razi will fly down from Wyoming to visit me in Houston for a few days. He called up a few weeks ago and simply said that he missed his brothers. He said that he wanted to see first me and then on to Sami in Maryland.
We have all been on lockdown for almost a year due to the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic and family was what we missed most. For many years we had gathered yearly with our families for a Saydjari reunion. The pandemic had disrupted that tradition and we ached to see each other again, even for one on one visits.
My brother Sami and I were more than seven years younger than Razi and we had always teased him about that fact. He was always a good sport about it. Razi played with us as children when most big brothers would have abandoned us for older friends. He has always held a special place in our hearts.
I can’t wait to see him in a few hours. I have already prepared the tabouli and will start the mejedera shortly. When he enters our home, the aroma of caramelized onions will greet him and he will be transported back to childhood. There will be stuffed cabbage, Turkish coffee, love, and laughter. Will will reminisce and talk of family. I am sure his visit will be over too soon but I will cherish our time together. Somehow knowing he will depart only to go on to see our youngest brother, Sami makes his absence a bit more tolerable.
We fully intend to begin our annual pilgrimages to our family reunions later this year or the next but until then, this will have to do. Yes, it will do nicely. Welcome, brother.