This project is in all ways a labor of love. The primary purpose is one of legacy; something to pass on to our children. It began when the youngest of the three brothers, Sami, realized first just how fleeting memories can be.
He set about documenting our family history. Sami interviewed our parents in a formal autobiographical manner and recorded valuable history which we had only garnered snippets of in our youth. He added tireless hours of research to fill in blanks where possible.
When later the three brothers began annual there was shared laughter and tears as we recalled our childhoods and shared stories. We recognized there was value in such stories as well. Our parents were immigrants from Syria. They had already passed from this world and with them, precious memories.
So we set out to lay down our story for our kids. While it is true that all lives must, in their own time, end; the memories held by those lives need not. Click here for short bios on the three brothers